Scientists in Melbourne and collaborators led by the LMB’s Sjors Scheres have made progress toward new antimalarial drugs, after revealing how an antibiotic called emetine blocks the molecular machinery that produces the proteins required for malaria parasite survival. More…
LMB In The News
Journal allows authors to update their research
The open access journal eLife has launched a new type of article that will allow authors to report significant additions to their original research. LMB group leader, Sjors Scheres, becomes the first author to publish a research advance article, an update on his paper that reported an important step forward in electron cryo-microscopy. More…
Two LMB Scientists’ archives added to the Wellcome Library
The archive papers of two former LMB scientists, John Sulston and Alan Coulson, have been added to the Wellcome Library.
Worm neuron hack to probe the mysteries of our brains
Hijacking how neurons of nematode worms are wired is the first step in an approach that could revolutionise our understanding of brains and consciousness. Research by the LMB’s Bill Schafer and his team is highlighted in New Scientist. More…
Scientists map one of most important proteins in life and cancer
David Barford and his group, at the LMB and at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, have used cryo-EM to reveal the secondary structure of a vital protein in cell division: the human anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C). More…
Meeting of Minds at Lens on Life exhibition
The LMB’s Melina Schuh and other scientists involved in the MitoSys project on mitosis, have collaborated with artists including Rob Kesseler, to create a documentary ‘Meeting of Minds’, and other works of arts exploring cell division. These are being displayed at the Lens on Life exhibition in Rome, which will come to London in January […]