U. W. Arndt – Publication list
- Arndt, U.W. (1948) Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. Development of a Geiger Counter Spectrometer for the Investigation of Alloy and other structures.
- Arndt, U.W. (1948) An X-ray Tube with Adjustable Focus. J. Sci. Instr. and of Physics in Industry, 25, 414-416.
- Hall W.H. Arndt, U.W. & Smith R.A. (1949) A Geiger-counter spectrometer for the measurement of Debye-Scherrer line shapes. Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A, 62, 631-638.
- Arndt, U.W. (1949) Power Supply for an X-Ray Tube Used in Conjunction with a Geiger Counter Spectrometer. .J. Sci. Inst, and of Physics in Industry 26, 45-47.
- Riley, D.P. & Arndt, U.W. (1952) New Type of X-ray Evidence on the Molecular Structure of Globular Proteins. Nature, 169, 138-142.
- Arndt, U.W. & Riley, D.P. (1952) Proportional Counters for comparison of Geiger and intensity measurement in X-ray Diffraction. Proc. Phys. Soc. A. 65, 74-75.
- Arndt, U.W. (1953) The use of Geiger and Proportional Counters in X-ray diffraction studies. Atomics (London) 4, 217-226.
- Riley, D.P. & Arndt, U.W. (1953) Raw Materials of Life. Nature, 171, 144-149.
- Arndt, U.W., Coates, W.A. & Riley, D.P. (1953) A Proportional Counter Technique for Measuring X-ray Scattering from Powders, Fibres and Liquids. Proc. Phys. Soc, B. Vol. LXVI, 1009-1016.
- Arndt, U.W. & Riley, D.P. (1953) Intra-Helix S-S Linked Structures for Insulin. Nature, 172, 245-248.
- Riley, D.P. & Arndt, U.W. (1953) X-ray Scattering Evidence Regarding the Protein-Nucleic Acid Combination in Nucleoproteins Nature, 172, 294-297.
- Arndt, U.W. & Riley, D.P. (1953) Structure of Air-Dry Sodium Thymonucleate. Nature, 172, 803-806.
- Riley, D.P. & Arndt, U.W. (1953) X-ray Scattering by Some Native and Denatured Proteins in the solid state. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 141, 93-97.
- Riley, D.P. & Arndt, U.W. (1954) The Use of Radial Distribution Curves and Spherical Fourier Transforms in the Determination of the structure of high polymers by X-ray diffraction Methods. J. of Colloid Science, Supplement 1, 57-65.
- Arndt, U.W. (1954) X-ray Analysis Group of the Institute of Physics. Nature, 173, 21-25.
- Arndt, U.W., Coates, W.A. & Crathorn, A.R. (1954) A Gas-Flow X-ray Diffraction Counter. Proc. Phys. Soc, B, Vol. LXVII, 357-359.
- Riley, D.P. & Arndt, U.W. (1954) Some X-ray Scattering Results on Nucleoproteins and their Components Trans Faraday Soc. No. 375, vol. 50, Part 3.
- Riley, D.P. & Arndt, U.W. (1954) X-ray Scattering Characteristics of Silk Fibroin and Some Other Beta-Structures in Relation to the Pleated Sheet Type of Structural Hypothesis. Trans Faraday Soc. No. 381, Vol. 50, Part 9.
- Arndt, U.W. (1954) Inexpensive X-ray Detectors. J. Sci. Instru. 31, 192-193.
- Arndt, U.W. (1955) X-ray Analysis Group of the Institute of Physics. Nature, 175, 886-890.
- Arndt, U.W. & Riley, D.P. (1955) The Structure of Some Proteins as Revealed by an X-ray Scattering Method Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) Series A. No. 932 Vol. 247, 409-439.
- Arndt, U.W. (1955) Counter Diffractometers Chapter 7. From X-ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials published by I.O.P. PP189-231.
- Arndt, U.W. (1955) X-ray Apparatus & Associated Techniques. Nature 175, 68-69.
- Arndt, U.W. & Phillips D.C. (1957) On the Determination of Crystal and Counter Settings for a Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometer. Acta Cryst 10, 508-510.
- Arndt, U.W. & Phillips, D.C. (1958) On the Adoption of Standard Symbols for the Settings of Single-Crystal Diffractometers. Acta. Cryst. 11, 509.
- Arndt, U.W. & Phillips, D.C. (1958) New Type of Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer. Forty second Physical Society Exhibition.
- Arndt, U.W. & Phillips, D.C. (1960) Crystal Oscillation Mechanism for use with Automatic X-ray Diffractometers. J. Sci. Instra. 47, 68-69.
- Arndt, U.W. & Phillips, D.C. (1961) The Linear Diffractometer. Acta Cryst. 14, 807-818.
- Arndt, U.W. (1963) Automation in the Laboratory. Proc. Roy. Instr. 39, 433-443.
- Arndt, U.W. & Phillips, D.C. (1963) Conference on X-ray Diffractometry. London, November 1962. British Journal of Appl. Phys. 14, 229-236.
- Arndt, U.W. & Willis, B.T.M. (1963) Automatic Neutron Diffractometer for Three-Dimensional Structure-Factor Determination. The Review of Scientific Instruments, 34, 224-230.
- Arndt, U.W. & Willis, B.T.M. (1963) A Programmed Multi-Chanel Neutron Diffractometer Installation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 24, 155-164.
- Arndt, U.W. (1963) A comparison of the linear diffractometer and of a four-circle diffractometer. Hilger J. 7, 69-74.
- Arndt, U.W. & Jones, F.B. (1963) Novel shaft setting and shaft following methods a technical note. Annual Exhibition of the Inst. Phys. and the Phys. Soc.
- Arndt, U.W. (1963) Design of a Programmed X-ray Diffractometer Installation. Hilger J. 8, 2-11.
- Arndt, U.W., North, A.C.T. & Phillips D.C. (1964) Adaptation of a Linear Diffractometer to Measure Three X-ray Reflections quasi-simultaneously. J. Sci. Instr. 41, 421-425.
- Arndt, U.W. (1964) Analogue and Digital Single-Crystal Diffractometers. Acta Cryst. 17, 1183-1190.
- Arndt. U.W. (1964) Automation in the Laboratory. Contemporary Physics, 6, 140-146.
- Arndt, U.W. & Willis, B.T.M. (1966) Single Crystal Diffractometry. Cambridge, C.U.P.
- Arndt, U.W. Crowther, R.A. & Mallet, J.F.W. (1968) A Computer-linked Cathode-ray Tube Microdensitometer for X-ray Crystallography. J. Sci. Instr. Series 2 Vol. 1, 510-516.
- Arndt, U.W. & Ambrose, B.K. (1968) An Image Intensifier – Television System for the Direct Recording of X-ray Diffraction Patterns. IEEE. Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-15, 92-94.
- Arndt, U. W. (1968) The Optimum Strategy in Measuring Structure Factors. Acta Cryst. B24, 1355-1357.
- Arndt, U.W. (1969) Rapid Parellel Measurement of X-ray Reflexions from Macromolecular Crystals. Acta. Cryst. A25, 161-164.
- Arndt, U.W., Barrington Leigh, J., Mallet, J.F.W. & Twinn K.E. (1969) A Mechanical Microdensitometer. J. Sci. Instr. Series 2, Vol. 2, 385-387.
- Arndt, U.W. & Gilmore, D.J. (1970) A Television System for the Direct Analysis of X-ray Diffraction Pattern, IEEE Trans Nucl. Sci. NS-17, 318-321.
- Arndt, U.W. (1971) Recent Developments and New Methods for the Automatic Processing of Single-Crystal X-ray Patterns, 2e Colloque Internat. Surles Meth. Anal. Par Rayonnement X. 45-47.
- Arndt, U.W., Gilmore, D.J. & Boutle, S.H. (1972) Television Recording and Analysis of X-ray Diffraction Patterns. Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics. 33. 1069-1075.
- Arndt, U.W., Champness, J.M., Phizackerley, R.P. & Wonacott, A.J. (1973) A Single-Crystal Oscillation Camera for Large Unit Cells. J. Appl. Cryst. 6, 457-463.
- Arndt, U.W. (1973) Single Crystal Neutron Diffractometer. ITR 13.73. ILL Grenoble.
- Arndt, U.W. & Gilmore, D.J. (1975) A Neutron Television Camera Detector. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, 27. VIII 16.-VIII 23.
- Arndt, U.W. & Gilmore, D.J. (1976) A Television X-ray Diffractometer, Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics. 913-921.
- Arndt, U.W. & Wonacott, A.J. (1977) Editors of ‘The Rotation Method in Crystallography’. North-Holland/Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Chapter 1: Introduction. Arndt, U.W. 1-4.
- Chapter 2: The screenless rotation method. Arndt, U.W. & Wonacott, A.J. 5-18.
- Chapter 3: The oscillation camera. Arndt, U.W. 19-31.
- Chapter 5: Collimation and mono chromatisation. Arndt, U.W. and Sweet, R.M. 43-63.
- Chapter 6: Alinement of the camera. Arndt, U.W.. Wonacott, A.J. and Sweet, R.M. 65-73.
- Chapter 14: X-ray film. Arndt, U.W., Gilmore, D.J. and Wonacott, A.J. 207-218.
- Chapter 15: Electronic area detectors. Arndt, U.W. and Faruqi, A.R. pp 219-226.
- Chapter 17: Television area detectors. Arndt, U.W. 245-261.
- Haselgrove, J.C., Faruqi, A.R., Huxley, H.E. and Arndt, U.W. (1977) The design and use of a camera for low-angle X-ray diffraction experiments with synchrotron radiation. J. Phys E. Sci. Instrum. 10, 1035-1044.
- Arndt, U.W. (1978) Phase determination in X-ray crystallography by anomalous scattering techniques. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 152, 307-311.
- Arndt, U.W. (1978) Counting losses of detectors for X-rays from storage rings. J. Phys. E. Sci. Instrum. 11, 671-673.
- Arndt, U.W., Gilmore, D.J. (1979) X-ray television area detectors for macromolecular structural studies with synchrotron radiation sources. J. Appl. Cryst. 12, 1-9.
- Arndt, U.W. & Gilmore, D.J. (1979) Performance of an X-ray Television Detector for Crystallography. Adv. In Electronics and Electr. Phys. 52, 209.
- Arndt, U.W. (Sept. 1980) Television Area Detector Diffractometer E.S.F. Summer School, Vienna. Collected Lecture Notes.
- Arndt, U.W. & Thomas, D.J. (1982) A high speed single crystal television X-ray Diffractometer (Hardware). Nucl. Instru. & Methods, 201, 21-25.
- Arndt, U.W. X-ray television area detectors (1982) Nucl. Instr. Methods 201, 13-20.
- Bateman, J.E., Apsimon, R.J. & Arndt, U.W. The Development of a New X-ray Image Intensifer for X-ray Diffraction Studies. Rutherford Laboratory Report RL-81-008.
- Arndt, U.W. (1978) Electronic Area Detectors for Single Crystal Data Collection, Computing in Crystallography Eds. H. Schenk, R. Olthof-Hazekamp, H. van Koninsveld & G.C. Bassi, Delft. University Press, p.134
- Arndt, U.W., Greenough, T.J., Helliwell J.R., Howard, J.A.K., Rule, S.A. & Thompson A.W. (1982) Optimised Anomalous Dispersion in Crystallography; a synchrotron X-ray polychromatic simultaneous profile method. Nature 298, 835-838.
- Arndt, U. W. (1983) Film measurement and area detectors. Crystallographic Computing. Eds. S. R. Hall & T. Ashida.
- Arndt, U. W. (1984) Area detectors for protein crystallography at storage rings. Nucl. Instrum. & Methods. 222, 252-255.
- Arndt, U. W. (1984) Optimum X-ray wavelength for protein crystallography. J. Appl. Cryst. 17, 118-119.
- Koetzle, T. F., Schoenborn, B. P., Arndt, U. W., Blasie, J. K., Jacobson, R. A., Lehmann, M. S., Mason, S. A. & Schultz, A. J. (1985) Single crystal studies with neutron spallation sources. Scientific Opportunities with Advanced Neutron Facilities. G. H. Lander & V. J. Emery Eds. CONF 8410256: U.S. Dept. of Commerce.
- Arndt, U. W. & Thomas, D. J. (1985) X-ray collimation for protein crystallography. Aust. J. Phys. 38, 353-7.
- Arndt, U. W. & Thomas, D. J. (1984) Computing aspects of position-sensitive detectors. I.U.Cr. Summer School on Computing, Mülheim.
- Arndt, U. W. (1985) Television area detector diffractometers. Meth. in Enzymology. 114, 472-485.
- Arndt, U. W. (1985) The collection of single-crystal diffraction data with area detectors. Workshop on evaluation of single-crystal data from 2-D position-sensitive detectors. Grenoble. (J. de Physique (1986) C5, 1-6).
- Arndt, U. W. (1986) X-ray position-sensitive detectors. J. Appl. Cryst. 19, 145-163.
- Arndt, U. W. (1985) Détecteurs pour rayons X. Séminaire Daniel Dautreppe. Grenoble.
- Arndt, U. W. & Thomas, D. J. (1985) Data collection with a television diffractometer. Bischenberg Meeting. J. de. Physique.
- Arndt, U. W. (1986) X-ray television detectors for very high counting rates. Structural biological application of X-ray absorption, scattering and diffraction. Academic Press. 383-389.
- Arndt, U. W. & Stubbings, S. J. (1987) A miniature Peltier effect goniometer head attachment. J. Appl. Cryst. 20, 445.
- Arndt, U. W. & Stubbings, S. J. (1988) Miniature ionization chambers. J. Appl. Cryst. 21, 577.
- Arndt, U. W. (1988) Position-sensitive detectors in condensed matter studies.Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A273, 459-462.
- Arndt, U. W. & In’t Veld, G. A. (1988) Further developments of an X-ray television detector. Adv. in Electronics and Electron Phys. 74, 285-296.
- Arndt, U. W., Ostrowski, D. J. & Stubbings, S. J. (1990) A thermostatically-controlled air cooler for a television camera. Meas. Sci. Technol. 1, 456-457.
- Arndt, U. W. (1990) X-ray television area detectors. Synchrotron Rad. News. 3, 17-22.
- Arndt, U. W. (1990) Focusing optics for laboratory sources in X-ray crystallography. J. Appl. Cryst. 23, 161-168.
- Arndt, U. W. (1991) Charles William Bunn. Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the R.S. 37, 71-83.
- Arndt, U. W. (1991) Second-generation X-ray television area detectors. Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A310, 395-397.
- Arndt, U. W. & Cattermole, D. M. (1992) Improvements in the performance of an X-ray television area detector. Conf. on photoelectronic image devices. Sept. 1991. 243-248. I.O.P. Publishing Ltd.
- Hudec, R., Arndt, U.W., Inneman, A. & Pina, L. (1992) Compact laboratory X-ray beam line with focusing microoptics. 13th Int. Congress as X-ray optics & microanaylsis, Manchester 1992. Conference Series No. 130, 243-248.
- Arndt, U. W. (1992) Generation of X-rays. Section 4.2.1. Internat. Tables for Crystallography. C, 167-176.
- Arndt, U. W. (1992) Position-sensitive X-ray detectors. Section 7.1.6. Internat. Tables for Crystallography. C, 543-552.
- Arndt, U. W. (1996) Microfocus X-ray source and mirror optics for crystallography with 8 KeV X-rays. X-Tech 96. Berlin-Spandau.
- Arndt, U. W. (1996) Microfocus beams with replica optics. 1st Internat. workshops on glass capillary optics. Ithaca, N.Y.
- Arndt, U. W., Duncumb, P., Long, J. V. P., Pina, L. & Inneman, A. (1998) Focusing Mirrors for Use with Microfocus X-ray Tubes J. Appl. Cryst. 31, 733-741.
- Arndt, U. W., Long, J. V. P. & Duncumb, P. (1998) A microfocus X-ray tube used with focusing collimators. J. Appl. Cryst. 31, 936-944.
- Arndt, U. W. In press. X-ray sources. Section 6.1. Internat. Tables for Crystallography. F, 125-132.
- Arndt, U.W. & Bloomer, A.C. (1999) New developments in X-Ray optics for macromolecular crystallography using laboratory X-ray sources. Current opinion Instruc. Biol. 9, 609-614.
- Bloomer, A.C., & Arndt, U.W. (1999) Experiences and exspectations of a novel X-ray microsource with focusing mirror. 1. Acta Cryst. D55, 1672-1680.
- Arndt, U.W., Kyte, M.P. (1999) Position sensitive ionization chambers in the alignment of x-ray tubes and diffractometers. J. Appl. Cryst. 32, 1024-1025.
- Bloomer, A.C. & Arndt U.W. (2000) Experiences and expectations of a novel X-ray microsource with focusing mirror. Acta. Cryst. D56, 109.
- Arndt, U.W. & Bloomer, A.C. (2000) X-ray crystallography with microfocus X-ray sources. Advances in Laboratory – based X-ray sources and optics. Ed. MacDonald & Khounsary vol 4144, 86-94.
- Pina, L., Inneman, A., Hudec, R., Arndt, U.W, Loxley, N., Fraser, G., Taylor, M. & Wall, J. (2000) Microfocusing with grazing incidence X-ray micromirrors. X-ray Sources and Optics. Ed. MacDonald vol 4144, 165-173.
- Arndt, U.W. & Kyte, M.P. (2000) Ionization chambers for monitoring the position and tilt of x-ray beams. J. Appl. Cryst. 33, 986-987.
- Arndt, U.W., Bloomer, A.C & Pina, L. (2001) Improved mirrors for use with microfocus x-ray sources. Advances in Laboratory-based X-ray sources and optics II. Ed. Khounsary & MacDonald. Vol 4502, 126-133.
- Arndt, U.W. (2001) Instrumentation in X-ray crystallography: past, present and future. Notes Rec. R. Soc. Lond. 55, 457-472.
- Arndt, U.W. (2001) Radiation sources and optics: X-ray sources. Intern. Tables for Macromolecular Crystallography. Ed. Rossmann & Arnold. 125-140.
- Arndt, U.W. & Scotcher, S.W. (2002) X-ray beam steering with flexible polycapillaries. J. Appl. Cryst. 35, 650-651.
- Arndt, U.W. (2003) Personal X-ray reflections. Methods in Enzymology. 368, 21-42.
- Arndt, U.W. (2006) Personal X-ray reflections. Athena Press, London.