To carry out a three year PhD with the University of Cambridge, you will need sufficient funds to cover the University fee (your course costs) and your “maintenance” – that is, your accommodation, meals, books, travel, clothes and any other expenses that you incur while you study (see fees and costs).
You need to apply using the University of Cambridge Applicant Portal regardless of the source of your funding.
During the application process you will automatically be considered for the appropriate LMB funding:
- MRC Studentships for UK and international students (a limited number are available)
- César Milstein Studentship for Argentinian Nationals
You will also be able to indicate in your application whether you:
- Wish to apply for LMB Cambridge Trust Scholarships (for international graduates from the EU, the Commonwealth and other overseas countries)
- Wish to apply for University-wide funding competitions (e.g. Gates, Cambridge Overseas & Commonwealth Trusts, and other Cambridge Home and Overseas Scholarships, etc.)
- Wish to apply for a College studentship (from a University of Cambridge college)
- Have an external scholarship or competitively awarded own funding
If you have not already secured your own funding, we recommend that – before making an online application – you explore your eligibility for:
- LMB funding
- University of Cambridge sources of funding
- Studentships from your home country (if you are applying from overseas)