LMB Archive
With a wealth of history and achievements for pioneering research in molecular biology, the LMB has created an archive to not only chart and preserve the history of the LMB, but also to record the present. The archive service provides a diverse collection of resources and information and is the first port of call for enquiries about the LMB.
The collection is continually developing and expanding. If you have any material that would be of interest to the collection, and would like to donate this, either in its original state or as copies, please contact the archive.
For all enquiries and information please contact us at .
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Women@LMB Project
The LMB commissioned science writer and LMB Alumna, Kathy Weston, to write a series of articles about the many women who have contributed, or are contributing, to the work and success of the LMB, and science in general.
During 2019, Kathy interviewed current LMB women group leaders and the resulting profiles can be found on the Group Leaders Profile page. Kathy also interviewed numerous LMB Alumnae to write a book, “Ahead of the Curve”, that showcases the scientific achievements of some of the LMB female pioneers, describing the work they have done within the context of their lives outside the lab. Their stories demonstrate how these two competing priorities can be combined into a successful whole.
The book is available to purchase at https://aheadofthecurve.org.uk/. Proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the Max Perutz Fund charity for the promotion and advancement of education and research in molecular biology and allied biomedical sciences.