From its earliest days the LMB has attracted and trained first class scientists from around the world – creating a diverse community for the exchange of ideas and technical innovation. The LMB provides excellent opportunities for early career and established researchers – people with the potential to lead their field. A high percentage of LMB students and post-docs stay in research or science related fields after they leave the LMB. The LMB supports the wider scientific community by supplying highly trained scientific leaders. They leave the LMB to develop and support molecular biology both in the UK and throughout the world.
Melina Schuh’s research highlight on Medical Xpress

LMB 2008-2016, Group Leader, Cell Biology
Melina’s work on mechanisms of chromosome segregation in mammalian oocytes has advanced our understanding the process of meiosis and the causes of aneuploidy in mammalian eggs, including humans. The project, led by Melina, set out to discover why genetic faults affect such a high proportion of ageing human eggs, or oocytes, resulting in pregnancy loss, birth defects and infertility. This work was started at the LMB and ended at Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. Agata Zielinska, who was part of Melina’s team, also previously worked in Melina’s group at the LMB as a student visitor from May 2014 to April 2016. More…
Johannes Kohl features as October "Scientist to Watch" in The Scientist

LMB 2009-2014, PhD student, Neurobiology Division
A former PhD student from Greg Jefferis’ group in the LMB’s Neurobiology Division, Johannes, is researching the neural circuitry behind instinct. In this feature, he illustrates his journey from his undergraduate days to his PhD at the LMB to the establishment of his own lab at the Francis Crick Institute in London this January. Johannes is investigating how transient physiological states such as hunger, stress, or tiredness affect the neural circuits underlying parenting, feeding, and aggressive behaviours. In 2018, he had won the Eppendorf and Science Prize for neurobiology for research that makes sense of how a cluster of neurons controls parenting behaviours in mice. More…
LMB’s PhD alumnus, Nicholas Ader, wins the Gregory Paul Lenardo Basic Science Award

LMB 2015-2019, PhD student, Cell Biology
This award endowed by NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program Co-Founder, Michael Lenardo, was given to Nicholas in recognition of his PhD work conducted in Wanda Kukulski’s lab at the LMB. His work implemented novel imaging techniques in an effort to better understand how a cell dies, and pushed the limits of cellular imaging. More…
“Keep persisting, this is worth it” – advice from Elizabeth Blackburn for women in science

LMB 1971-1974, PhD student, PNAC
Elizabeth Blackburn, former LMB PhD student and Nobel Prize winner, shares her advice for women starting out in science in this BBC/Nobel Media AB video. More…
Hayley Sharpe, a former LMB PhD student, joins the Babraham Institute as a new group leader

LMB 2006-2011, PhD student, Cell Biology
The Babraham Institute welcomes Hayley Sharpe, a former PhD student in Sean Munro’s group in the LMB’s Cell Biology Division, as a new group leader within the Signalling research programme. More…
Michael Levitt has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Cambridge

LMB 1968-1979, 1986-1987, PhD student, scientific staff, Structural Studies
Michael Levitt, a former LMB PhD student and staff scientist, is one of eight distinguished nominees to receive an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Cambridge at a ceremony in Senate House. More…