From its earliest days the LMB has attracted and trained first class scientists from around the world – creating a diverse community for the exchange of ideas and technical innovation. The LMB provides excellent opportunities for early career and established researchers – people with the potential to lead their field. A high percentage of LMB students and post-docs stay in research or science related fields after they leave the LMB. The LMB supports the wider scientific community by supplying highly trained scientific leaders. They leave the LMB to develop and support molecular biology both in the UK and throughout the world.
Sarah Teichmann elected as Professor in Stem Cell Medicine at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

LMB 1996-1999, 2001-2013, PhD Student, Group Leader, Structural Studies
Sarah Teichmann and her group will join the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, where they will continue studying the composition of many human tissues in both healthy and disease states using single cell and spatial genomics, coupled with computational analyses. More…
Andrew McLachlan. 25 January 1935 – 8 July 2022

LMB 1967-2006, Group Leader, MRC Retired Worker, Structural Studies
After switching scientific disciplines from theoretical chemistry to molecular biology, Andrew McLachlan arrived at the LMB in 1967, where he remained a key member of the Structural Studies Division until 2006. Notably, he developed methods for aligning the sequences of different proteins, and, in collaboration with others, he applied these to a wide range of proteins to better understand their structures and relationships. His Royal Society Biographical Memoir, written in part by the LMB’s Murray Stewart and Tony Crowther, has recently been published. More…
Herman Waldmann awarded 2023 Royal Medal from the Royal Society

LMB 1978-1979, Sabbatical Visitor, PNAC
The Royal Society has awarded Herman Waldmann the Royal Medal 2023 to mark his important contributions to the advancement of knowledge in biological science. Specifically, Herman was recognised for his pioneering research applying monoclonal antibodies for human therapy. Whilst at the LMB, he worked closely with Cesar Milstein and was instrumental in helping Greg Winter introduce humanised antibodies in patients. More…
Sarah Cumbers appointed chief executive of Royal Statistical Society

LMB 1997-2001, PhD Student, PNAC
Sarah Cumbers has been announced as the new chief executive of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS), a professional body founded in 1834 dedicated to the promotion of the relevance of statistics and application for the public good. She is due to begin her role in September 2023. More…
Stephen Wallace wins Norman Heatley Award from Royal Society of Chemistry

LMB 2012-2013, Career Development Fellow, PNAC
The Royal Society of Chemistry has announced Stephen Wallace as the 2023 recipient of the Norman Heatley Award. Here, he speaks to the society, covering his career motivations, challenges he’s faced and advice for young chemists. More…
Julian Rayner elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences

LMB 1993-1998, PhD Student, Postdoctoral scientist, Cell Biology
Congratulations to Julian Rayner who has been elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Julian was a PhD student and then a postdoc in the LMB’s Cell Biology Division, and is now Director of the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) and Director of Wellcome Genome Campus Connecting Science. More…