From its earliest days the LMB has attracted and trained first class scientists from around the world – creating a diverse community for the exchange of ideas and technical innovation. The LMB provides excellent opportunities for early career and established researchers – people with the potential to lead their field. A high percentage of LMB students and post-docs stay in research or science related fields after they leave the LMB. The LMB supports the wider scientific community by supplying highly trained scientific leaders. They leave the LMB to develop and support molecular biology both in the UK and throughout the world.
Terry Rabbitts elected to Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians
LMB 1973-2006, Scientific Staff, Group Leader, Head of PNAC Division
Congratulations to Terry Rabbitts, elected to Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians for “applying molecular biology to human disease and the development of new therapeutics”.
Read more about Terry’s research & career More…
David Ish-Horowicz (1948-2024)
LMB 1969-1973, Ph.D. student, Scientific Staff, Cell Biology
The Francis Crick Institute pay tribute to David Ish-Horowicz, a leading figure in the field of developmental genetics. David completed Ph.D. studies at the LMB, and later led his own research group at the Imperial Cancer Fund (later Cancer Research UK). Since 2013, he has been affiliated with University College London. His research provided several breakthroughs in understanding the molecular and genetic mechanisms which establish, maintain and elaborate spatial organisation in vivo, particularly in the model Drosophila. He was elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society in 2002. More…
Maria Grazia Spillantini and Benjamin Podbilewicz elected to EMBO
![EMBO Logo](
Grazia Spillantini: LMB 1987-1996, Ph.D. Student, Visitor, Scientific Staff, Director’s Division & Neurobiology
Podbilewicz: LMB 1991-1996, Postdoctoral Visitor, Cell Biology
Congratulations to LMB alumni Maria Grazia Spillantini and Benjamin Podbilewicz who are two of 120 researchers elected to EMBO membership in the organisation’s 60th year. Maria is Professor of Molecular Neurology at the Clinical School of the University of Cambridge where she researches the molecular neuropathology of neurodegenerative diseases characterised by tau and alpha-synuclein aggregates. Benjamin is Professor at the Department of Biology, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology where he researches how cells fuse to form large multinucleate cells, and how organs form in animals. More…
Tony Kouzarides knighted in King’s Birthday Honours List
LMB 1982-1983, 1984-1986, Postdoctoral Scientist, PNAC
Tony Kouzarides, Director of the Milner Therapeutics Institute, Professor of Cancer Biology at the University of Cambridge, and Senior Group Leader at the Gurdon Institute, has received a knighthood in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours List for ‘services to healthcare innovation and delivery’. He completed postdoctoral research in the LMB’s PNAC Division in the 1980s, where he focused on the cancer-inducing potential of human cytomegalovirus. More…
Lubert Stryer (1938-2024)
LMB 1962-1963, Postdoctoral Visitor, Structural Studies
Jeremy Berg covers the life of trailblazing biochemist and author Lubert Stryer. His textbook Biochemistry has guided countless students around the world since it was first published in 1975. The myoglobin material within the book was no doubt influenced by the time Lubert spent working with John Kendrew at the LMB as a postdoctoral visitor in the 1960s. Aside from his success as a writer, Lubert made several significant research breakthroughs, including developing fluorescence methods for measuring distances within macromolecules. More…
Clemens Plaschka elected to Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Young Academy
LMB 2016 – 2018, Postdoctoral Visitor and Scientist, Structural Studies
Congratulations to Clemens Plaschka, who has been elected as a new member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ (ÖAW) Young Academy. The Young Academy aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration to promote innovative research, cultivating a supportive and stimulating environment for its members, aiming to propel their careers to the forefront of international research excellence. More…