From its earliest days the LMB has attracted and trained first class scientists from around the world – creating a diverse community for the exchange of ideas and technical innovation. The LMB provides excellent opportunities for early career and established researchers – people with the potential to lead their field. A high percentage of LMB students and post-docs stay in research or science related fields after they leave the LMB. The LMB supports the wider scientific community by supplying highly trained scientific leaders. They leave the LMB to develop and support molecular biology both in the UK and throughout the world.
Clemens Plaschka elected to Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Young Academy
LMB 2016 – 2018, Postdoctoral Visitor and Scientist, Structural Studies
Congratulations to Clemens Plaschka, who has been elected as a new member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ (ÖAW) Young Academy. The Young Academy aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration to promote innovative research, cultivating a supportive and stimulating environment for its members, aiming to propel their careers to the forefront of international research excellence. More…
Professor Robert Cross awarded Biochemical Society Award for Sustained Excellence
LMB 1986-1991, Postdoctoral Visitor, Scientific Staff, Structural Studies.
Congratulations to LMB alumnus Robert Cross, who has been awarded Biochemical Society Award for Sustained Excellence. The award recognises excellence in his field, as well as a strong commitment to build, support, and nurture future talent. More…
Cambridge startup OutSee Ltd aims to unearth new drug targets with its AI genomics tech
Julian Gough: LMB 1998-2002, 2017-2023, PhD Student, Postdoctoral scientist, Group Leader, Structural Studies
Chang Lu: 2018-2022, Career Development Fellow, Structural Studies
Business Weekly highlights OutSee Ltd, a new start-up founded by Julian Gough and Chang Lu to exploit large-scale genomics datasets by using its proprietary AI genomics technology for novel drug target discovery and validation. More…
Samantha Skehel 1967-2024
LMB 2012-2015, Grants Manager, Technical Officer, Operations Group
The LMB is saddened to learn of the death of Samantha Skehel, who worked as Grants Manager in the Finance Team and later Technical Officer in the Lab Services and Purchasing Team. Since 2015, she has been based at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. More…