Phoebe Dent joined the LMB at the age of 16 as an HR Assistant Apprentice and has just completed her apprenticeship in Business Administration with Cambridge Regional College. Phoebe came to the LMB having completed AS levels in business studies, physical education and geography at Downham Market Sixth Form and had worked in her family’s farm business.
Phoebe Dent completes her apprenticeship in the LMB’s HR team
Manu Hegde receives Feldberg Foundation Prize
Manu Hegde, Group Leader in the LMB’s Cell Biology Division, has been awarded the 2018 Feldberg Foundation Prize for Anglo-German scientific exchange.
Research in Manu’s lab is focused on membrane protein biosynthesis and quality control pathways that maintain cellular protein homeostasis. Manu discovered a widely conserved pathway for the post-translational targeting and insertion of tail-anchored membrane proteins, and contributed to its mechanistic dissection.
LMB raises over £1500 for The British Heart Foundation
Over £1500 has been raised by LMB staff for The British Heart Foundation (BHF) at the annual charity Christmas raffle. The BHF was chosen in memory of Linda Burr, a member of the Biological Services Group, who tragically died earlier in 2016.
The BHF was founded in 1961 to fund extra research into the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of heart and circulatory disease.
Community apple tree project at the LMB
The LMB has recently joined an innovative apple tree project with the planting of 12 apple trees around the LMB building. The project, called the Cambridge Community Collection, aims to plant apple trees of every variety from within the UK in a range of locations south of Cambridge City centre.
The project is the idea of artist Neville Gabie, who was appointed by Cambridge City Council in December 2012 to develop a project around routes and connectivity for the South Cambridge area.
Cambridge Fire and Rescue Service run training exercise at LMB
The LMB and Cambridge Fire and Rescue Service recently held a joint training exercise, involving six teams from across the region, a silver command unit and a HMEPO (Hazardous Materials and Environmental Protection Officer).
The collaboration was initiated after members of the local Fire Authority visited the LMB on a routine visit. They were hugely impressed with the building, and its potential to be used in training exercises.
UTCC students have hands-on EM experience at the LMB
The LMB has continued its collaboration with the University Technical College Cambridge (UTCC), with students visiting as part of their microscopy challenge project. 16 A-Level students, who study microscopy as part of their biology course, spent an afternoon at the LMB, broadening their knowledge of electron microscopes (EM). After a fascinating introduction by the EM team, the students were able to operate the smaller EMs to view negatively stained adenovirus particles.