LMB scientist Andrew Holding reports on his experience being part of the crew of BBC Horizon… More…
The other side of the screen
Advice on running a world-class lab
Ashutosh Jogalekar reports on Serge Haroche words of wisdom for fostering a good research environment, and makes reference to the recent Nature article about LMB… More…
BBC2 programme on the cell features TRIM21 research
There is an battle playing out inside your body right now. It started billions of years ago and it is still being fought in every one of us every minute of every day. It is the story of a viral infection – the battle for the cell… More…
Professor Sir Alan Fersht FRS becomes the 42nd Master of Caius
Sir Alan is an internationally renowned molecular biologist. He has pioneered many new fields in protein sciences and is a group leader in the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge… This article is no longer available from the source website.
Friends of FUS: Protein’s Many RNA Buddies Point to Disease
This work follows another study of FUS targets led by Jernej Ule of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, U.K., and Chris Shaw of King’s College, London. […] the authors describe FUS’ role in mediating alternative splicing, where it prevents target exons from being included in mature mRNAs… More…
Nobel success: What makes a great lab?
William Bynum reflects on the factors that have brought nine Nobel prizes to the Laboratory of Molecular Biology… More…