“Scientists at the University of Tübingen, in cooperation with the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge / UK, have now demonstrated that halogen bonding can be used to identify potential drug candidates for cancer treatment. Dr. Rainer Wilcken and Prof. Frank Böckler in collaboration with Dr. Andreas Joerger and Prof. Sir Alan Fersht…” More…
Halogen bonding helps design new drugs
Addenbrooke’s celebrates opening by the Queen 50 years ago
“The “new” Addenbrooke’s opened on 28 May 1962. Michael Fuller [Laboratory of Molecular Biology], a laboratory steward in 1962, recalled: “During the tour of the building, the Queen stopped on the landing to look at one of our atomic ball and spoke models, which were state-of-the-art at the time.” More…
Evolution seen in synthetic DNA
“Researchers at LMB have succeeded in mimicking the chemistry of life in synthetic versions of DNA and RNA molecules.” More…
Synthetic XNA molecules can evolve and store genetic information
“Phil Holliger’s group has developed six alternative polymers called XNAs that can also store genetic information and evolve through natural selection.” More…
LMB has been awarded £49m to study the human brain
“The LMB will receive nearly £170m core funding support from the Medical Research Council over the next five years to pursue its mission of understanding biological processes at the molecular level, including £49m for examining the biology of the brain. The award will also fund an increased focus on the processes affecting cellular damage and ageing, and a new Centre for Chemical and Synthetic Biology.” More…
ScienceOnline2012 – interview with Josh Witten
“Every year I ask some of the attendees of the ScienceOnline conferences to tell me (and my readers) more about themselves, their careers, current projects and their views on the use of the Web in science, science education or science communication. Today my guest is Josh Witten (blog, Twitter) from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology.” More…