“LMB’s Brad Amos helps explains the importance of the microscope. Also includes some images from LMB.” More…
The invention of the microscope
Study identifies new processes that lead to development of novel cell implicated in allergies
“A collaboration between scientists in Trinity College Dublin and the United Kingdom has identified new processes that lead to the development of a novel cell implicated in allergies […] The work was performed by Professor Padraic Fallon, and Dr Andrew McKenzie of the Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Biology in Cambridge…” More…
Cambridge biotechnology cluster thriving
“For all the billions pumped into the local biotech cluster, only one blockbuster drug has ever emerged stamped firmly with a Cambridge kitemark. The accolade belonged to Cambridge Antibody Technology – a company founded by Life Sciences serial entrepreneur Sir Greg Winter in 1989” More…
How new science is transforming the optical microscope
“The 2012 Leeuwenhoek Lecture will be given by Dr Brad Amos FRS…” More…
Scientist is knighted
“Hugh Pelham, director of the Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, was knighted in the Queen’s Birthday Honours last June . The investiture took place at the palace yesterday…” This article is no longer available from the source website: Cambridge News 10 February 2012
New technology for the rapid, site-specific labeling of proteins
“Jason Chin, Kathrin Lang and Lloyd Davis from LMB and colleagues at the North Carolina State University have created specially engineered mammalian cells to enable researchers to label proteins of interest more efficiently. As reported in Nature Chemistry…” More…