Greg Winter tells Jim Al-Khalili how an injury from a road rage incident led to a change in the direction of his research and the start of his work on antibodies, ultimately leading to the Nobel Prize last year, as well as the importance of good mentors in the LMB’s success. More…
Greg Winter is the guest on BBC Radio 4’s ‘The Life Scientific’
Tips for overcoming research challenges – Ana Casañal
RNA Society member spotlight on Ana Casañal, postdoc in Lori Passmore’s group in the LMB’s Structural Studies Division, including Ana’s tips on overcoming research challenges and advice for junior researchers. More…
Rob Kay and Peggy Paschke have a new video on JoVE that presents their methods for transfection of Dictyostelium cells
Rob Kay and Peggy Paschke from the LMB’s Cell Biology Division have produced a video for JoVE that presents their methods for transfection of Dictyostelium discoideum. More…
Brilliance in the genes: inside Britain’s ‘Nobel Prize factory’
A new film from the Financial Times featuring interviews with Jan Löwe, Madeline Lancaster, Richard Henderson, and Greg Jefferis, describing the importance of long-term thinking and collaboration in continued success. More…
Multiple LMB scientists and alumni feature in a list of the top ten neuroscience breakthroughs of 2018
A list of the top ten neuroscience breakthroughs of 2018 includes work by the LMB’s Sjors Scheres and Michel Goedert on tau protein folds and by Greg Jefferis on imaging the fly brain, as well as alumnus Jonny Kohl for his work mapping neural circuitry associated with parenting. This article is no longer available from the source website.