Image Processing Software
Richard Henderson,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Francis Crick Avenue,
Cambridge Biomedical Campus,
Cambridge CB2 0QH
Tel: +44 1223 267000
The standard package of MRC programs is now maintained and downloadable from the UK collaborative computing project (CCP) for electron microscopy at
- 1 – Overview and general philosophy
- 2 – How to get started
- 2.1 – Using existing libraries
- 2.2 – Implementation
- 3 – Index of existing stand-alone programs
- 3.1 – General programs for processing micrographs
- 3.2 – 2-dimensional crystal processing programs
- 3.2.1 – Image analysis
- 3.2.2 – Electron diffraction patterns
- 3.3 – 3-dimensional helical programs
- 3.4 – Rotational averaging and filtering
- 3.5 – General display programs
- 4 – References to published papers which describe these programs.
- 5 – Image data file Format
1 – Overview and general philosophy
The system of image processing programs developed by past and present members of the Laboratory is used in various forms worldwide for determining the structure of macromolecular assemblies. The approach has been to study specimens with some form of symmetry, such as crystals or helical and icosahedral particles. Programs suitable for many kinds of 2-D and 3-D analysis have been written. The philosophy has been to write largely stand-alone FORTRAN programs for carrying out the various steps of processing. At the present time, there are about 80 stand-alone programs, varying in length from a few lines to many thousands of lines of code. The unifying principle has been to use the standard CCP4 format (MAPFORMAT) which we call IMAGE format for images and Fourier transforms and postscript format for graphics files. These are also used in the crystallographic CCP4 system. In the later stages of some of the procedures, for example in high resolution electron crystallography, amplitudes and phases are put into a third standard format, that of MTZ format, which allows direct access to the X-ray crystallographic software in CCP4. Libraries of standard subroutines are available for reading, writing and manipulating files. A user program written to accept files in these formats and to produce output in the same three formats thus fits directly into the system, with no need for any modifications to existing structures. The libraries can be invoked at the linking step under most flavours of LINUX including MAC/OSX. We have produced FORTRAN user codes that will run under these systems without modification. IMAGE format involves each image or transform having an initial header block 1024 bytes long, which specifies the type and size of the file, the maximum, minimum and mean densities and other information. More information about IMAGE format files and the subroutines (imsubs2010) for manipulating them is given in section 5. Briefly, the imsubs2010 routines are written in FORTRAN and themselves call lower level routines for the actual reading and writing; these lower level routines are written in C. Programs producing graphical output use plot2K routines and the resulting postscript format files can be sent to a laserprinter or viewed on a terminal, using programs such as ghostscript which may be installation dependent. Thus apart from getting digitized data into the system and hard copy out, the system of programs can be used as a coherent whole, independent of the particularities of the installation.
2 – How to get started
Installation is described in /image2010/README. First build libraries and executables using a .bld file using either G77 or GFORTRAN. Binaries will then be written to /image2010/bin and all have the extension .exe
2.1 – Using existing libraries
For developing a new program, the following libraries might need to be invoked:
- ifftlib – Fourier transform routines
- imlib2010 – Routines for handling image format
- genlib – Lower level routines invoked by imlib2010
- plot2klib – Graphics routines
- misclib – Miscellaneous routines from mtzlib, lcflib, miscsubs
2.2 – Implementation
The standalone programs, while (mostly) written in standard FORTRAN, call various subroutines which hopefully carry all the machine specific subroutines. The following will be needed, as discussed above (section 2.1):
- ifftsub.for
- imsubs2010.for
- mtzlib.for
- miscsubs.for
- parser.for
- plot2k.c
- subs.for
along with the following from the CCP4 I/O library: ccp4_array.c
- ccp4_array.h
- ccp4_diskio_f.c
- ccp4_errno.h
- ccp4_file_err.h
- ccp4_fortran.h
- ccp4_general.c
- ccp4_general_f.c
- ccp4_general.h
- ccp4_parser.c
- ccp4_parser_f.c
- ccp4_parser.h
- ccp4_program.c
- ccp4_program.h
- ccp4_spg.h
- ccp4_sysdep.h
- ccp4_types.h
- ccp4_unitcell.c
- ccp4_unitcell.h
- ccp4_utils.h
- ccp4_vars.h
- ccplib.for
- cmtzlib.c
- cmtzlib_f.c
- cmtzlib.h
- csymlib.c
- csymlib_f.c
- csymlib.h
- cvecmat.c
- cvecmat.h
- keyparse.for
- lcflib.for
- library_err.c
- library_f.c
- library_file.c
- library_file.h
- library_utils.c
- lkyasn.for
- lkyin.for
- mtzdata.h
- mtzlib.for
- parser.for
- unix.m4
3 – Index of existing stand-alone programs
3.1 – General programs for processing micrographs:
1. | BANDPASS | Bandpass filters stack of images. |
2. | BOXIM | Standard boxing program for selection of an area. |
3. | BOXIMAGE | Similar to above, leaves boxed area in original position. |
4. | FFTRANS | Fast Fourier transform. |
5. | HEADER | Prints out information in header records. |
6. | IMEDIT | General editing program for image headers |
7. | INTERPO | General 2D re-interpolation program |
8. | LABEL | Image handling, does a few nice things. |
9. | MRC2TIF | Converts MRC image format to TIFF format. |
10. | REMORIG | Remove origin peak in transform to correct background. |
11. | TAPEREDGEK | Tapers the edge of an image to remove spikes. |
12. | TIF2MRC | Converts TIFF format files to MRC image format. |
13. | TRMASK | Masks transform for filtering |
14. | TRNOUT | Output amplitudes & phases to printer. |
15. | TWOFILE | Linear combination, or multiply/divide data in two files. |
3.2 – 2-dimensional processing programs:
3.2.1 – Image Analysis:
1. | EMTILT | Calculate tilt angles from lattice parameters |
2. | MASKTRANA | Masks transform for filtering, like TRMASK |
3. | AUTOCORRL | Autocorrelation calc + expansion – use with QUADSERCH |
4. | QUADSERCHK | Correlation peak search on lattice, with profile fit |
5. | CCUNBENDK | Unbend image using list of peaks from QUADSERCH |
6. | MMBOXA | Sophisticated version of NNBOX, producing Amps, phases |
7. | TTBOXK | Corrects for tilted transfer function, gives Amps, phases |
8. | TTMASK | Combined MASKTRAN and TTBOX, masking + TTF corr on tilted |
9. | TTREFINE | Refines defocus, astig, tilt params on tilted images |
10. | CTFSEARCH | Refine or search for correct defocus, astigmatism |
11. | CTFAPPLYK | Applies CTF to data from MMBOX, with graphical output |
12. | CTFCALCK | Computes CTF curves for chosen values of Cs, KV, Defocus |
13. | CTFFIND2 | Determines defocus and astigmatism. |
14. | CTFFINDA | Finds and applies CTF correction. |
15. | ORIGTILTK | Combine data from different images using crystal symmetry |
16. | LATLINEK | David Agard’s least squares latline fit of Amps, phases |
17. | ALLSPACEA | Determines space group, origin, beamtilt on single image |
18. | AVRGAMPHS | Overall averaging of amplitude and phase projection data |
19. | MAKETRAN | Create reference transform from MTZ file – given defocus |
20. | SCALIMAMP3D | Scales image amplitudes to selected reference data |
3.2.2 – Electron diffraction patterns:
1. | BACKAUTOK | Calculates radial background and finds centre of pattern |
2. | AUTOINDEXK | Finds two simplest lattice vectors automatically |
3. | PICKAUTOK | Integrates and background corrects el.diff. spots |
4. | MERGEDIFF | Merges e.d. data and does a host of corrections |
5. | AVRGFDELF | Averages multiple measurements of delta-F from MERGEDIFF |
6. | SYNCFITP3 | Fits lattice line curves to output from MERGEDIFF |
7. | AVRGINTENS | Overall averaging of electron diffraction ints. in projection |
3.3 – 3-dimensional helical programs:
1. | HLXSEARCH | Determine tilt and origin. |
2. | HLXDUMP | Dumps layer line data from transform |
3. | HLXFIT | Orientations & origins of different particles |
4. | HLXAVG | Averages data from different particles |
5. | HLXFOUR | Fourier program |
6. | HLXPROJ 2D | filtered image from layer line data |
7. | HLXDYAD | Imposes twofold normal to axis |
8. | HLXSEPDAT | Feeder for HLXSEPR |
9. | HLXSEPR | Separates overlapping Bessel functions |
10. | HLXLLOUT | Graphs standard layer line data |
11. | HLXSIMUL | Simulates image of helix |
12. | HLXFITT | Orientations & origins of different particles |
3.4 – Rotational averaging and filtering:
1. | RFILTIM | Rotational filtering |
2. | ROTAV | Rotational averaging of 2D images or 3D maps about z axis. |
3. | IMROTRAN | Rotates/translates 2D image – search to maximise correlation. |
3.5 – General display programs:
1. | LASERTONE | General program for output of tone files. |
2. | LASERTEXT | General program for output of text files. |
3. | HISTOK | Makes histogram of densities in an image. |
4. | Ximdisp | General X-Windows based display program. |
5. | THREED | Displays 2D array as simulated 3D contoured surface. |
6. | SURF | Calculates surface |
7. | LIGHT | Displays 3D maps as shaded surfaces. |
4 – References to published papers which describe these programs.
MRC Image Processing Programs
R.A. Crowther, R. Henderson and J.M.Smith
Journal of Structural Biology, 116, Pages 9-16 (1996)
XIMDISP – A visualization tool to aid structure determination from electron microscope images.
Judith M. Smith
Journal of Structural Biology, 125, Pages 223-228 (1999)
5 – Image data file Format
Map/Image Header Format:
Length = 1024 bytes, organized as 56 LONG words followed by space for 10 80 byte text labels.
1 | NX | number of columns (fastest changing in map) | |||||||||||||||
2 | NY | number of rows | |||||||||||||||
3 | NZ | number of sections (slowest changing in map) | |||||||||||||||
4 | MODE |
5 | NXSTART | number of first column in map (Default = 0) | |||||||||||||||
6 | NYSTART | number of first row in map | |||||||||||||||
7 | NZSTART | number of first section in map | |||||||||||||||
8 | MX | number of intervals along X | |||||||||||||||
9 | MY | number of intervals along Y | |||||||||||||||
10 | MZ | number of intervals along Z | |||||||||||||||
11-13 | CELLA | cell dimensions in angstroms | |||||||||||||||
14-16 | CELLB | cell angles in degrees | |||||||||||||||
17 | MAPC | axis corresp to cols (1,2,3 for X,Y,Z) | |||||||||||||||
18 | MAPR | axis corresp to rows (1,2,3 for X,Y,Z) | |||||||||||||||
19 | MAPS | axis corresp to sections (1,2,3 for X,Y,Z) | |||||||||||||||
20 | DMIN | minimum density value | |||||||||||||||
21 | DMAX | maximum density value | |||||||||||||||
22 | DMEAN | mean density value | |||||||||||||||
23 | ISPG | space group number 0 or 1 (default=0) | |||||||||||||||
24 | NSYMBT | number of bytes used for symmetry data (0 or 80) | |||||||||||||||
25-49 | EXTRA | extra space used for anything – 0 by default | |||||||||||||||
50-52 | ORIGIN | origin in X,Y,Z used for transforms | |||||||||||||||
53 | MAP | character string ‘MAP ‘ to identify file type | |||||||||||||||
54 | MACHST | machine stamp | |||||||||||||||
55 | RMS | rms deviation of map from mean density | |||||||||||||||
56 | NLABL | number of labels being used | |||||||||||||||
57-256 | LABEL(20,10) | 10 80-character text labels | |||||||||||||||
Symmetry records follow – if any – stored as text as in International Tables, operators separated by and grouped into ‘lines’ of 80 characters (ie. symmetry operators do not cross the ends of the 80-character ‘lines’ and the ‘lines’ do not terminate in a).
Data records follow.