Christopher Russo
Atomic resolution imaging of biological specimen by electron cryomicroscopy
Personal group site
Many of the outstanding questions in biology and medicine are difficult to address because there is no way to directly look at the complex molecular machines responsible for life. We work on developing new instruments and methods for imaging biological molecules, (DNA, RNA and proteins), at atomic resolution. The primary instrument that enables atomic resolution imaging is the electron microscope. We aim to improve cryo-preparation and imaging methods to the point where we can use the electron microscope to image the atomic resolution structure of purified macromolecular complexes, and the sub-nanometer resolution structure of any biological specimen. We plan to accomplish this by first studying the physical principles underlying the current resolution limits and then reengineering the critical components in the imaging system to improve resolving power. We draw on recent advances in nanoscience, solid-state physics, surface chemistry, electrical engineering and materials science to achieve these improvements. Using this new technology, we study the detailed mechanisms of biomolecules to understand how they function.
Selected Papers
- Naydenova, K Jia P, and Russo CJ (2020)
CryoEM with sub 1-Å specimen movement
Science 370(6513): 223-226. - K Naydenova, G McMullan, MJ Peet, Y Lee, PC Edwards, S Chen, E Leahy, S Scotcher, R Henderson, CJ Russo (2019)
CryoEM at 100 keV: a demonstration and prospects
IUCrJ 6: 1086-1098. - Peet MJ, Henderson R and Russo CJ (2019)
The energy dependence of contrast and damage in electron cryomicroscopy of biological molecules
Ultramicroscopy 203: 125-131. - Henderson, R and Russo CJ (2019)
Single Particle CryoEM: Potential for Further Improvement
Microscopy and Microanalysis 25(S2): 4-5. - Naydenova K, Peet MJ, and Russo CJ (2019)
Multifunctional graphene supports for electron cryomicroscopy
PNAS 116(24): 11718-11724. - C.J. Russo and R. Henderson (2018)
Ewald sphere correction using a single side-band image processing algorithm
Ultramicroscopy 187: 26-33 - Naydenova, K and Russo, CJ (2017)
Measuring the effects of particle orientation to improve the efficiency of electron cryomicroscopy
Nature Communications 8: 629 - Russo, CJ and Passmore, LA (2014)
Ultrastable gold substrates for electron cryomicroscopy
Science 346: 1377-1380
Group Members
- Ioana Grigoras
- Anastasiia Gusach
- Jacob Lamb
- Greg McMullan
- Teodora Milanovic
- Robert Morrison
- Biplob Nandy
- Mathew Peet
- Hugh Wilson